River Hamble Dredging Almost Done
ML Dredging is about to complete a two phase maintenance dredging campaign to re-establish previous operational depths at Hamble Yacht Services.

According to the company, phase one was undertaken by the backhoe dredger ‘Witton II’ with a combination of the split hopper barges ‘Split Two’ and ‘Split Three’.
“Using both ‘Split Two’ and ‘Split Three’ helped us negotiate dredging in the confined space as dredging progressed into more challenging areas, the first phase was completed within schedule,” said ML Dredging in the release.
This allowed the contractor to demobilize and carry out other works on the river while the team at Hamble Yacht Services reconfigured the marina allowing access into phase two of the dredge.
“Phase two was then started by our multi roll vessel ‘Boxer’ before the ‘Witton II’ returned to complete the remainder of the dredge,” the company added.
Working through both Storm Ciara and Storm Dennis where winds were reported to exceed speeds of more than 120mph offshore, crews worked around the clock to ensuring all weather window opportunities were used, minimizing disruption to the scheduling.
The dredging works carried out will now allow deep draft access at Hamble Yacht Services benefiting both berth holders and visitors.