Los Angeles Draft Environmental Assessment on Display
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, has conducted an environmental analysis in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 for the Los Angeles River Estuary and Port of Long Beach Entrance Channel Maintenance Dredging.

The draft Environmental Assessment (EA) January 2020 addresses the need to remove shoals in Los Angeles River Estuary and Port of Long Beach federal navigation channels to provide continued safe and reliable commercial and recreational navigation.
The draft EA evaluated various alternatives that would accomplish maintenance dredging of the federal navigation channels and ocean disposal of dredged material.
The recommended plan is the Proposed Action and includes:
- Mechanical (clamshell with scow) dredging approximately 330,000 cubic yards of sandy material from the LARE inner channel and placement at LA-2 Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site;
- Hydraulically (hopper) or mechanically (clamshell with scow) dredging approximately 40,000 cubic yards from the Port of Long Beach entrance channel and transporting it to LA-2 Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site.