Hampton Dredging Wraps Up
The Hampton Harbor maintenance dredging project in New Hampshire, conducted by H&L Contracting, has been successfully completed, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England, reports.

Approximately 170,000 cubic yards of sandy material was hydraulically dredged from the 8-foot deep entrance channel, 8-foot deep Hampton channel, 8-foot deep cross channel, 8-foot deep Hampton anchorage, 6-foot deep Hampton anchorage, 8-foot deep Seabrook channel, and 8-foot deep Seabrook anchorage with the material pumped onto adjacent beaches in Hampton and Seabrook, N.H.
This work will allow project users to maintain safe navigation in Hampton Harbor.
Natural shoaling processes have reduced available depths to as little as 1.0 foot in the 8-foot MLLW channel in Seabrook and 8-foot MLLW anchorage in Hampton, as little as 2.5 feet in the 8-foot Seabrook Anchorage, and approximately 4.0 feet in the 8-foot MLLW cross channel, 6-foot MLLW Hampton Anchorage and 6-foot state of New Hampshire Anchorage making navigation hazardous or impossible at lower stages of the tide.