Gladstone Dredging Wraps Up

Business & Finance

As part of Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) annual maintenance dredging campaign, the trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Brisbane was recently in the Port of Gladstone.

Image source: GPC

Visiting the area from November 14 to December 18, the dredger maintained approximately 50 km of channels and berths, which are required to keep ships moving safely in and out of the port.

The TSHD Brisbane services many eastern Australia seaboard ports and was specifically designed for the maintenance dredging of Queensland ports.

“We participate in the scheduling of this dredging and the timing considers the environmental values of each port as well as any environmental windows. This helps sustain the environments of Queensland ports as a whole, as well as facilitate trade,” said GPC in their latest release.

Gladstone was the last stop on the TSHD Brisbane’s 2019 schedule before having a well deserved break over Christmas.