Southwestern Yacht Club Seeks USACE Permit for Dredging
Glenn Mueller of the Southwestern Yacht Club has submitted an Application for Permit to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Los Angeles District for the Southwestern Yacht Club Maintenance Dredging Project.

The dredging and beach nourishment project is located at the Southwest Yacht Club in the Shelter Island Yacht Basin in San Diego Bay, in the City of San Diego, California.
Under the plan, the applicant proposes to dredge 2,000 cubic yards per year, on an annual basis, such that access to boaters can be returned to the Southwestern Yacht Club’s Hoist and Junior Sailing Area within Shelter Island in northern San Diego bay and to enable beneficial reuse of the dredge material for beach nourishment at the near shore area at La Playa/Kellogg Beach located at Shelter Island.
The proposed project dredge site is located within a recreational marina and consists of an accreted sand shoal that is distributed around piles and over a dredged basin floor.
The area to be dredged consists of a clean sandy shoal that has migrated along the La Playa shoreline into the SWYC marina.
The dredge area is characterized by this active sand shoal, which extends from the rubble armored bank to a precipitous dropping slope that extends to the dredged basin floor of the marina.