Funding Secured for South Withernsea Coastal Defense Scheme

Business & Finance

A multi-million pound scheme to build coastal defenses in Withernsea has moved a step closer after East Riding of Yorkshire Council successfully secured £3 million of European funding for the project.

Image source: East Riding of Yorkshire Council

The south Withernsea coastal defense scheme will receive funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to go towards the £5.5 million cost of the project, which will see the current sea defenses extended by 400 meters.

But whilst funding has been secured and planning permission is now in place, there are still a number of hurdles to overcome before work to bolster the defenses can start.

Councillor Chris Matthews, portfolio holder for strategic management at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “Whilst this is good news that the council has secured the funding and planning permission for the scheme, there are still a number of obstacles that we have to overcome before work on this complex project can actually get underway. Should we overcome these final hurdles it is expected work could begin in spring 2020.”

Council officers will now have to obtain a Crown lease and work permit for the works and finalize the marine licence with the Marine Management Organisation.

The Holderness coastline has some of the fastest eroding coast in Europe with over four meters a year of land eroding at south Withernsea.

This scheme will extend the current defenses with 400 meters of rock armor, to protect from the on-going coastal erosion in an undefended area, include a re-work of the existing 100 meter rock terminal structure, re-grading of the existing cliff line along a 400 meter length and the creation of a new 100 meter terminal structure at the end of the defenses.