Venice Maintenance Dredging About to Begin

Business & Finance

Maintenance dredging of the Intracoastal Waterway in Venice will begin mid-October, reports the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District.

The project involves removal of shoaled sediment and use of the dredged material on the beach and nearshore area to take advantage of ecosystem restoration opportunities.

Over time, coastal processes have resulted in significant shoaling and deposition of sediment within the waterway, and maintaining long-term navigation requires the removal of these sediments.

As reported, construction crews will begin mobilizing in the area around Oct. 15, 2019, with active dredging beginning in early November.

This will include bringing equipment to the staging areas and laying the pipeline that will deliver the dredge material to the placement location.

The main staging area will be west of Historic Venice Train depot, south of the marina park.

The project – scheduled to run for several months – will be completed before the end of the calendar year.