Protecting West Bay Esplanade

Business & Finance

Work on the new sea defense wall along West Bay Esplanade will begin again today, Dorset Council said in its latest announcement. 

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The sea defense wall was built earlier this summer, but stone masons will now return to complete the facing of the new wall, which will greatly improve its appearance.

The Esplanade will be closed while this finishing off work is done.

According to the council, this work was put on hold during the peak holiday season to minimize disruption and allow residents and visitors to enjoy West Bay.

Commenting the latest news, Cllr Ray Bryan, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Highways and Travel, said: “I am glad we are returning to complete this work, it will greatly improve the Esplanade. We paused the work to minimize disruption during the peak holiday season, but will now get started again.”

The £10 million sea defense work, which was carried out earlier this year by Dorset Council and the Environment Agency, will help protect West Bay from flooding.

The scheme included building a new wall, rock groyne, buried rock revetment and the beach shingle was also replenished. The work had to be done in the spring to avoid winter storms.