Hopper Dredger LESSE Passes Sea Trials
The sea trials of the 2,300m³ trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) LESSE have been completed successfully, informs Royal IHC.

According to the shipbuilder, during the trials, the vessel and its dredging equipment were thoroughly tested in all conditions.
The LESSE was built by IHC’s partner yard MTG Dolphin BV in Varna, Bulgaria.
She will be the newest addition to the fleet of Baggerbedrijf de Boer – Dutch Dredging fleet and is based on the success of IHC-built TSHDs ALBATROS and MAHURY (delivered in 2013 and 2015 respectively).
The dredger is designed to maintain sea and inland waterways, as well as perform land reclamation.
It is equipped with the latest electronic system to improve positioning, sounding and execution of dredging work.
With a dredging depth of 30m below the waterline and a hopper capacity of 2,300m³, the LESSE is extremely efficient and can be deployed worldwide.