Maintenance Dredging Wraps Up on New Buffalo and South Haven Harbors

Business & Finance
Image source: USACE

Maintenance dredging operations in Michigan’s New Buffalo and South Haven Harbors were successfully completed last week by The King Company, Inc., the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Detroit District said in their latest announcement. 

Image source: USACE

“After the initial dredging excavation to establish a channel, dredging must be done periodically to keep the area clear and safe for navigation. This is called maintenance dredging,” said USACE in its update.

Southwest Michigan’s recreational harbors are the lifeblood of the coastal communities they serve, enhancing regional and local economic development and supporting local job growth.

The last time the Corps completed maintenance dredging on these harbors was in 2013 to remove shoaling that occurred in the fall of 2012 due to Hurricane Sandy.

According to Michigan Congressman Fred Upton, these operations and maintenance projects need to be prioritized to ensure the region does not suffer the consequences, including loss of jobs and loss of recreational, commercial, and charter fishing for thousands of people.