North Myrtle Beach Renourishment Moves Ahead

Business & Finance

The North Myrtle Beach renourishment works, which will see sand placed on 2.7 miles of the city’s nine miles of beach, are making significant progress, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Charleston District said in its latest project update. 

Image source: USACE

The crews are moving about 1,000 feet per day and are two weeks ahead of schedule.

The Cherry Grove section was completed yesterday and crews are now moving to the Windy Hill area, said USACE.

Sand pumping will first occur from about 46th Avenue South to Ocean Creek Drive.

Barring bad weather or equipment breakdowns, this section of the project may be complete around June 3. The contractor, Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, will then pump sand from 46th Avenue South to 43rd Avenue South, completing this section by about June 6.

The project replaces some 280,000 cubic yards of sand lost to Hurricane Florence. It was to have merged with last year’s Hurricane Irma beach nourishment project but delays in completing the Myrtle Beach segment pushed the North Myrtle Beach segment into this spring.

During active sand pumping, the vast majority of the beach will remain open and available for the public.

The public may track the project in real-time by using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston District’s web mapper here.