Boost for Chesapeake Bay Funding Program

Business & Finance

Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger and his colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee have passed two bills funding key investments to the Chesapeake Bay.

USACE photo

The committee this week passed the $46.4 billion Energy and Water Development bill, which funds programs that address climate change, improve water infrastructure, etc. The bill also includes the Chesapeake Bay Program.

The Chesapeake Bay is Maryland’s most precious resource and we must do everything we can to protect it and the hundreds of thousands of jobs it generates,” Congressman Ruppersberger said. “I am proud to support legislation that will help ensure the Bay and all of our country’s natural resources are available to generations to come.

The bills now move from the Appropriations Committee to consideration by the full U.S. House of Representatives.

The committee adopted dozens of Congressman Ruppersberger’s funding requests, such as:

  • $85 million for the Chesapeake Bay Program;
  • $17.3 million for the Poplar Island and Baltimore harbors/channels dredging projects;
  • $22.2 million for dredging the Intracoastal Waterway and Delaware River to the Chesapeake Bay;
  • $147 million more for the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (total funding now $1.7 billion).