USACE to Host Meeting on Ocean City Inlet Projects

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, will host a public meeting this week, May 30, to discuss and get feedback on a navigation improvement project to manage shoaling in the Ocean City Inlet.

Image source: USACE

USACE, together with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Worcester County, will also discuss a study on the large scour hole near Homer Gudelsky Park.

The meeting will take place at the Worcester County Library (13 Harrison Ave.) in Berlin, MD, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

During the event, the Corps will evaluate sediment transport in the inlet and recommend options for addressing the shoaling to include structural solutions like jetties or channel modifications like deepening the channel in the inlet.

According to USACE, from 6:30 – 7 p.m., there will be an open house in which participants can view posters, provide feedback and speak with project personnel.

From 7 – 8 p.m., there will be a formal presentation to provide an overview of the projects, as well as open the floor for questions.

The meeting will wrap up at 8:30 p.m., allowing attendees to again view materials and speak with Corps and state employees about specific concerns following the presentation.