Luedtke Engineering Bags Fairport Harbor Dredging Deal
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, has awarded a $1.131 million contract to conduct dredging of the federal navigation channel in Fairport Harbor, Ohio, during the summer of 2019.

Luedtke Engineering Co., based in Frankfort, Michigan, won the contract on April 30, 2019.
Under this contract, approximately 180,000 cubic yards of sediment material is to be dredged this year.
According to the Corps, the contractor is anticipated to begin work in July 2019 with dredging to be performed throughout the navigation channel.
Project depths are 25 feet in the entrance and outer harbor, 24 feet in the lower river, 21 feet in the upper river, and 18 feet in the turning basin.
The frequency of dredging in Fairport Harbor is subject to the availability of funds and when sufficient funding is in place.
The harbor was last dredged in 2017, removing approximately 255,000 cubic yards of material.