Dennis Beach Nourishment Project up for Comment

Business & Finance

The town of Dennis is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, to conduct work in waters of the U.S. in conjunction with beach nourishment in Dennis, Massachusetts.

The proposed work involves beach nourishment to restore the beach along Dr. Bottero Road, which will provide a natural buffer to dissipate wave energy and prevent further erosion of the beach and roadway.

The proposed work includes the placement of both sand for beach nourishment and stone for groin construction below the High Tide Line (approximately 19,110 cubic yards and 710 cubic yards respectively).

Two stone groins will be constructed perpendicular to the shore for the purposes of stabilizing the sand fill, and extending the design life of the nourishment.

The groins will be approximately 100 feet long and 69 feet long, measured from the mean high water (MHW) line, and vary from 5 feet to 32 feet wide. The groins will place 303 cubic yards and 136 cubic yards of fill below MHW, respectively.

Deadline for sending public comments on the proposed work is June 14, 2019.