USACE: Spotlight on Lake Ontario Shoreline

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District’s team put ‘boots on the ground’ on May 10 in the Town of Greece and the Village of Wilson, to better understand shoreline conditions and mitigation efforts underway in response to the rising Lake Ontario water levels. 

Image source: USACE

The USACE team was joined by staff members from Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, Congressmen Chris Collins and Joe Morelle, Tony David, International Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence River Board, and local officials from the Town of Greece, Village of Wilson, Town of Wilson, and Town of Newfane.

“With the risk of flooding rising by the day I want to thank the Army Corps for its quick response to my request by activating it’s Emergency Operations Center to assist communities like Greece and Wilson guard against flood damage,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer.

With water on Lake Ontario already reaching such high levels this year, our Great Lakes communities face the very real threat of flooding. We need to remain vigilant and make sure our shorelines are protected against any potential damage,” added U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. “I am thankful that the Army Corps of Engineers is meeting with community members in the Town of Greece and the Village of Wilson, and I’m hopeful that today’s discussions will inform the best ways to protect our communities.”

“Buffalo District is committed to ensuring public safety while providing technical expertise and assistance to communities along the shoreline to supplement the State’s coordinated emergency response efforts. Our District Emergency Management office continues coordination with local and state emergency management offices to ensure the Corps of Engineers is doing our part to make as many resources available when requested,” concluded Lt. Col. Jason Toth, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District commander.