West Coast Dredging Deal for Manson

Business & Finance
Image source: Manson

Manson Construction Co., from Seattle, Washington, has won a $22.8 million contract for the West Coast Hopper Maintenance Dredging 2019 Project.

The dredging scheme includes three locations:

  • Humboldt Bay Bar and Entrance, California;
  • Columbia River, Oregon/Washington – from River Mile 3+00 to 105+00;
  • Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington.

Under the dredging plan, approximately 3.2 million cubic yards will be removed as mandatory line items, with additional optional items depending on project needs and funding availability, reports FedBizOpps.

Placement of dredged material will be located at designated in-water placement sites, including ocean and river disposal.

An estimated completion date of this West Coast Hopper Maintenance Dredging Project is September 26, 2019.

Bids for this dredging contract were solicited via the internet with three received, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) said.