Hammond Marina Dredging Plan on Display

Business & Finance

The City of Warrenton, Oregon, has applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Portland District to conduct maintenance dredging at Hammond Marina in Clatsop County.

Image source: USACE

The applicant’s stated purpose is to conduct maintenance work in order to allow boat access to the marina and moorage slips.

According to USACE, the city plans to remove approximately 72,500 cubic yards of accumulated sediment from a 10 ½-acre section to a disposal location adjacent to the marina.

The proposed dredging of the basin would be to a depth of 8 feet mean lower low water and a portion of the entrance channel to the depth of 10 feet. Dredging work is to be accomplished by a hydraulic dredge and pipeline.

Under the plan, the dredged material will be disposed of within the Columbia River flow lane disposal location adjacent to the marina.

USACE said that the comment period for the Hammond Marina dredging plans will end March 31, 2019.