Port of Hueneme Deepening Kicks Off

Business & Finance
Image source: Port of Hueneme

The Californian Port of Hueneme recently held a groundbreaking for their newest project – deepening the harbor an additional five feet.

Deepening the harbor will create over 563 new jobs, $28 million in business revenue, $5.8 million in local purchases, and $4.6 million in state and local taxes, said the port.

The project is largely funded by a $12.3 million TIGER Grant (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) from the U.S. Department of Transportation.

The port’s harbor is currently 35 feet in depth, however this new project will bring the harbor’s depth to 40 feet.

This increased capacity will allow existing vessels to not be constrained waiting for high tide to enter the harbor, making their visits to Hueneme more efficient, said the port.

Commenting the latest news, CEO & Port Director, Kristin Decas, said: “Not only will this project create an additional 500+ jobs, it will safeguard our environment. The pilings used in stabilizing the wharf are an ecofriendly alternative made out of recycled plastic bottles. Our sand removed from the harbor will have a second life as well, being used as near-shore beach re-nourishment to protect our local Hueneme beach from erosion.”

The project is expected to be completed by March 2020.