Boston Harbor Use Public Forum Set for February 27

Business & Finance

Boston Harbor Now will hold their Harbor Use Public Forum later this month, a conversation focused entirely on the future of Boston’s working port. 

Jill Valdes Horwood, Boston Harbor Now’s Director of Policy will present the latest report produced by the planning and policy team: Recommendations for the Future of Boston’s Working Waterfront(2019).

During the meeting, the participants will also have an opportunity to hear about the Boston Harbor improvement dredging project currently underway to accommodate large container ships that are calling on the U.S. east coast now that the Panama Canal improvements are completed.

Boston Harbor Now holds these monthly Harbor Use Public Forums in order for interested stakeholders to learn about and provide feedback to waterfront developers and public agency planners on projects affecting Boston Harbor, its waterfront and islands.

These meetings are meant to provide opportunities for the frank, open discussion needed to optimize both private and public amenities as Boston’s waterfront undergoes redevelopment.

The event will take place on February 27, 8:30AM–10:00AM, at the Boston Harbor Hotel Rowes Wharf 50, Boston, MA.