Islamorada Dredging Plan on the Table

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Jacksonville District has received an application for a Department of the Army permit for a maintenance dredging work to restore water depths in navigable waters in the Village of Islamorada, Florida.

Image source: Florida Sea Base

The applicant – Village of Islamorada – seeks authorization to maintenance dredge a total of 11,380.60 cubic yards of sediment accumulated post Hurricane Irma within a 9.8 acre area within five canal systems to restore water depths to pre-Hurricane Irma conditions and to install temporary floating turbidity barriers around all work areas that are in/over navigable waters of the United States.

Material will be dredged utilizing a hydraulic vacuum dredge or mechanical clam shell to remove the sediment accumulation depending on the composition of the material.

The utilization of either system will result in the collection of a slurry from the canal bottom comprised of sediment and saltwater.

The contractor will either use a mechanical or passive dewatering system to handle the dredged material. The dewatering system will be located in an upland staging area adjacent to the canals.

Once dewatered, the material will be transported to an approved upland disposal location dependent on the chemical characteristics of the material.

The deadline for sending comments on the proposed work is February 18, 2019.