Clark Island Restoration Project Underway

Business & Finance

Work has begun on a large restoration project to develop the habitat at the Clark Island wetland owned by Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC).

The property includes a coastal wetland on the Hay Bay shoreline, which will be strategically excavated to create open-water habitat for fish in eight pools with a series of connecting channels.

The channels will connect the habitat to Hay Bay, creating a passage for fish between the lake and the wetland. The design will benefit fish and other aquatic species. It will also provide excellent habitat for a wetland-dependent bird, a small, shy species-at-risk called the least bittern.

The site at Clark Island is a Lake Ontario coastal wetland, a top-priority habitat for conservation. The project is designed to mitigate necessary harm to fish habitat, taking place as a result of upgrades at the Amherst Island ferry terminal that will, among other benefits, improve accessibility with new, accessible docks, ramps and buildings, as part of the Province of Ontario’s multi-year accessibility plan.