County of Marin: SAFRR Moves to Design Phase

Business & Finance

The San Anselmo Flood Risk Reduction Project (SAFRR), which will improve public safety and protect residential and business properties along Fairfax and San Anselmo Creek in the Ross Valley, is progressing to the final design stage.

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“The region, referred to as Flood Control Zone 9 (FCZ9), has been inundated by flooding for many years. The San Anselmo project would result in a net reduction in flooding for about 530 parcels during chronic flood events that have a 10 percent chance of occurring any given year,” County of Marin said in its latest release.

“In addition to reducing the frequency and severity of flood events, the Marin County Flood Control District expects to implement multiple environmental enhancements as part of SAFRR.”

In September 2018, the Flood District Board certified the project’s environmental impact report and recommended moving forward with design and construction.

On January 8, the Board will consider awarding a $1.24 million services contract to Stetson Engineers. The San Rafael-based firm will lead a team comprised of staff from local companies to deliver the engineering and design work.

The team includes GEI Consultants, ESA, Inc., Oberkamper and Associates, Inc., Abey and Arnold Associates, and walls land+water, LLC.

To manage costs through the design phase, the District has split the intended contract into two phases. The anticipated $1.24 million contract will solely cover the first phase, delivering the engineering and design work needed to secure permits for the three components and develop an operations and maintenance manual for the basin.