Harbor Point Update: BLT Achieves Environmental Milestone

Business & Finance

Building and Land Technology (BLT), developer of Harbor Point in Stamford, CT, has reached a major milestone in the development of one of the largest brownfield cleanup projects in the Northeast. 

Image source: BLT

BLT has now finished the active remediation of approximately 90 acres of formerly environmentally impacted land in the South End and Waterside neighborhoods of Stamford.

The company also filed several key closure reports with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) verifying the completion of remediation at the former Yale & Towne, Pitney Bowes “Main Plant,” and a substantial portion of the Northeast Utilities “HELCO” sites.

Additionally, BLT has completed the active remediation of the former Petro fuel site in Waterside, and the former Manger Electric site in the South End of Stamford.

“In cooperation with DEEP and with the support of the City of Stamford, we’ve undertaken a redevelopment of Stamford’s waterfront that has included the implementation of a massive environmental remedial action plan to transform former brownfields into a vibrant mixed-use waterfront community,” said Carl R. Kuehner, III, Chairman of BLT. 

In addition to cleaning up polluted sites, BLT has helped dramatically improve water quality in Stamford Harbor by installing new storm water systems to treat runoff, repairing old and damaged bulkheads, and dredging contaminated materials.