Bennett’s Creek Dredging Work Kicks Off

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Norfolk District started maintenance dredging of the Bennett’s Creek Federal Navigation channel last week.

Photo by Tim Boyle, USACE

Slated to be accomplished in about four weeks, the project will remove critical shoaling within the Bennett’s Creek Channel, currently impacting navigation, USACE reports.

“This is somewhat of a unique project; we’re using a USACE dredge, the Murden, instead of contractor because it was deemed more efficient and cost effective for the City of Suffolk,” said Ross Tuttle, Norfolk District civil engineer and project manager.

With this being 100-percent contributed funds from the local sponsor, using our dredge will make the most of their funds.”

Most dredging projects are funded via a cost-share agreement with federal funding contributing to the efforts. In March, the city contacted the district with interest in providing the total funds needed to remove the shoaling from the creek.

After receiving congressional approval, USACE was sanctioned to move forward with the city.

Typically, maintenance dredging of this nature is deemed necessary approximately every four to five years.

Tuttle stated that the goal is to dredge to the creek’s maintain depth of six feet.