Oswego Breakwater Repair Works Complete

Business & Finance
Photo by Lex Barker, USACE

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, has wrapped up construction repairs to the Oswego Harbor West Arrowhead Breakwater, located at the Port of Oswego, Oswego, New York. 

Photo by Provided by Lex Barker, USACE

Repairs were completed to 475 feet of the 2,700 foot Oswego Harbor West Arrowhead Breakwater using armor, underlayer, and bedding stone, through fiscal year 2017 work plan funding.

Dean Marine & Excavating, Inc. was awarded the contract September 2017 and work started in September 2018.

“The investment to repair a degraded reach of the Oswego west arrowhead breakwater will ensure safe navigation for vessels and protect the harbor,” said USACE project manager Lex Barker. “Navigation was one of the Corps of Engineers’ earliest Civil Works missions and continues to be a sound investment directly contributing the economic viability of the harbor.”

The Corps of Engineers has received an additional $4.9 million in fiscal year 2019 Work Plan funds to complete the remainder of the arrowhead breakwater repair.