Depoe Bay in Need of Dredging, City Officials Seek Funding

Business & Finance

The Oregon’s Depoe Bay city officials are seeking funding from the U.S. Corps of Engineers 2019 Work Plan for the Depoe Bay Harbor dredging project, the News Lincoln County informs. 

Image source: Ellicott Dredges

Members from the harbor commission and city council were in Washington DC last week to meet with Oregon Congressmen, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Office of Management and Budget to help secure funding.

According to the News Lincoln County report, the city has asked for $878,000 for the dredging and maintenance operations on the harbor.

A decision on the dredge request is expected soon.

Shoals and sediment 

The harbor is on a five-year dredging cycle with the last work done in 2014. The Check dam designed to collect silt, located behind the bay, was last cleaned in 2004.

The dam is on a ten-year dredging cycle leaving this project 14 years with no maintenance. Both projects had been left out of the current budget request.

The harbor has shoals and sediment build up by the fuel dock and other areas in the bay.

It is crucial that the bay is dredged so the over 25′ charter and fishing vessels have access to fuel at low tide.