Monongahela River Dredging Works on the Way

Business & Finance

Amherst Madison Inc., Charleston, West Virginia, has won an $18.2 million contract for dredging of the Monongahela River.

The Department of Defense (DoD) announced yesterday that the Army Corps’ Pittsburgh District is the contracting activity.

The major features of this project include dredging of the Monongahela River between Locks and Dam 3 (river mile 23.8) and Locks and Dam 4 (aka Charleroi, river mile 41.5).

According to the announcement, dredged materials will be placed in a Government owned upland area, known as Victory Hollow, at approximate river mile 34.5 on the left bank of the River.

Overall, the contract calls for dredging of approximately 1.2 million – 1.5 million cubic yards of material from the river.

The project will also include dewatering of dredged material; placement of dredged materials in the upland fill placement site; offloading, dewatering, and placement of other contractor’s material (dredged material and concrete rubble), reported the Corps.

USACE expects that the whole project will be completed no later than October 11, 2019.