International Days of Dredging Takes Place in Morocco

Business & Finance

CEDA African Section has announced that the next International Days of Dredging will take place in Casablanca, Morocco, from 26-28 September 2018.

At least 60% of the world’s population today lives less than 60km from the coast and this figure is increasing due to a growing world population, migration, and urbanization.

If unchecked, or poorly managed, development of coastal areas can lead to serious ecological incidents and socio-economic conflicts, according to CEDA.

The African continent is particularly susceptible to these issues and coastal regions, that also have desert climate features, are the most vulnerable to considerable coastal degradation. As a result, it is now a matter of urgency that design concepts, the installation of maritime facilities, and coastal protection and sustainable development measures, are reviewed, said CEDA.

To address these issues, CEDA African Section has organized this conference, focusing on topics including:

  • New dredging techniques;
  • Dredging and development of terrestrial and maritime infrastructures;
  • Impacts on the environment;
  • Safety and security aboard dredging units.