Phase III of Saqr Port Dredging Starts This Month

Phase III of dredging work in connection with the Saqr Port Berth Extension Project is scheduled to begin on 24th June.

These dredging operations, to be undertaken near RAK Maritime City approaches, are set to last approximately four weeks.
According to the latest Notice to Mariners issued by RAK Ports, during this period, the existing project exclusion zone will be extended temporarily towards western side and marker buoys will be in position.
“On 17th June sinker pipelines in connection with the dredging operations will be submerged to seabed across RMC Channel. During the time period 06:00 – 12:00 hrs on 17th June the access channel to and from RMC/Stevin Rock will be closed,” RAK Ports said.
Sinker pipelines will be demobilized on completion of dredging operations and RMC channel will again be closed during demobilization of sinker pipelines.