Meeting Scheduled for Missouri River Sandbar Habitat Scheme

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold a public meeting tomorrow at the Ramada Bismarck Hotel in Bismarck, ND, to gather input on site selection for an Emergent Sandbar Habitat (ESH) Project within the Missouri River between Garrison and Oahe dams. 

The meeting will run from 6 to 8 p.m. with a brief opening presentation followed by an open house session.

During the open house, the Corps project team will be available at information stations to answer questions and gather public input. Concerns, comments and suggestions provided at this meeting will help the Corps determine which of three potential sites may be chosen for the project,” USACE said in its announcement.

The proposed project includes mechanical construction of sandbar habitat, up to 40 acres in size, at one of three existing sandbar habitat sites between river miles 1349 and 1367 (near Washburn, ND).

According to USACE, material would be borrowed from the river bed and placed on top of the existing shallow submerged sandbar. This minimizes the amount of material that needs to be moved and increases longevity of the constructed sandbar.

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