Managing Port Hedland’s Coastal Erosion

Business & Finance

The Town of Port Hedland is reaching out to the local community to ask what they value most about the coast to investigate and manage coastal erosion and any potential risk of storm tide flooding within the Port Hedland townsite.

According to David Pentz, CEO of the Town of Port Hedland, the process will ensure the coastal adaptation plan being prepared will be robust, fair, and respectful of community values.

“An online survey has been released to residents via social media and the Town of Port Hedland website so that communities using local beaches and facilities have the opportunity to contribute to the process by highlighting the key things they enjoy and value about the coast,” he said.

The first stage of the project includes undertaking a coastal processes assessment to identify coastal hazards, and community engagement to better understand the values and importance of local coastal areas.

Erosion and flooding of coastal areas, particularly during major storm and cyclonic events, has the potential to significantly impact on coastal development and enjoyment. It is important to account for the changing coastal environment by planning for these issues to reduce damage to public and private facilities,” said Mr. Pentz.

The survey closes on 15 December 2017.