Commission to Meet Over Oregon Inlet Conditions

Business & Finance

The Dare County has just announced that the Waterways Commission meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 13 in Manteo.

Dare County Waterways Commission was created by the County Board of Commissioners in January, 1983.

The mission of the board has evolved over the time to include the responsibility of advising the County Commissioners of the conditions of Oregon Inlet as well as issues regarding the federal funding appropriations to the US Army Corps of Engineers which in turn enable the Corps to provide for the continual maintenance and stability of Oregon Inlet.

The Commission also monitors and recommends necessary action needed for channel conditions related to Oregon Inlet interior channels, county boat ramps, no wake zones and local dredging.

According to the Commission, this inlet system requires dredging to maintain it’s depths and location. This office and the board lobbies for federal funding to accomplish this task, coordinates and attends meetings and briefings with state and federal appointees in Raleigh and Washington, DC; orients new State Department Secretaries, briefs appointees; provides information on Commission activities, concerns, interests and legislative needs.