York Harbor Dredging on the Way

Business & Finance

Starting in a few weeks, the US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, will be dredging sections of the channel and anchorages of the York Harbor Federal Navigation Project in York, Maine.

According to the Corps, dredging operations will start by mid-November 2017, taking place around the clock, seven days a week until early spring.

This $1.7 million dredging project was awarded to Prock Marine of Rockland (ME) earlier this year.

For the project, the contractor is planning to use three large barges and a massive excavator.

The dredged sediments will be placed at the Cape Arundel Disposal Site located approximately 2.8 Nautical Miles southeast of Cape Arundel.

During the works, approximately 45,000 yards of fill (9,000 buckets) will need to be removed from the area.