Royal IHC’s Hi-Traq Trenching Vehicle During Trials (VIDEO)

Business & Finance

Following years of research and development, Royal IHC’s Hi-Traq trenching vehicle has finally been put to the Test.

According to IHC, the Hi-Traq vehicle offers enhanced manoeuvrability and its powerful tooling will enable safe, efficient burial in a range of seabed conditions.

Hi-Traq features multiple tooling options that facilitate both jetting and mechanical cutting operations.

The mechanical cutter chain (2.3m BoT) provides maximum operational efficiency while minimizing pick wear. With 900kW of jetting power the system is capable of trenching products in soft soils to 3.3m BoT.

IHC also reported that Hi-Traq vehicle has recently completed onshore cutter testing and final commissioning. It was then mobilized for sea trials.