Calumet Outer Harbor Dredging About to Begin

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, has just announced that in order to achieve the authorized project depth in the Calumet Outer Harbor, bedrock will be removed starting on August 10, 2017 through July 2018.

The Corps awarded the $6.05 million contract to Roen Salvage Company of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., on September 30, 2016.

According to USACE, work will occur 7 days a week through December 2017, then start up again in spring 2018.

Naturally occurring dolomitic bedrock outcropping, or rock formation above the surface, in Calumet Harbor has prevented full maintenance of the shipping channel to the authorized depth of 30 low water datum, which prevents full use of the navigation channel by deep draft vessels during low lake levels, announced USACE.

Daily work will include rock blasting underwater and 1 mile offshore, and rock placement on a barge using an excavator. The barge will then move over to the nearby breakwater, where rock will be unloaded with a crane and placed.

The Corps also added that there will be one blast per day at the end of each day. The U.S. Coast Guard will broadcast a safety zone and all traffic will be stopped at 2,000 feet from the blast area, for approximately 30 minutes.

Once the blasting barge is loaded, the attendant tug will move the barge out to the blasting area in the outer harbor. At the blasting work area, the dredge barge will be spudded down in a position on line and at station to accept placement of the blasting barge along its side. The tug will position the blast barge near one end of the dredge where drilling will begin.

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