Bandon Flood Relief Scheme in Full Swing
Works on the €16 million Bandon Flood Relief Scheme have been progressing over the past month, with activity taking place in a number of areas, Byrne Looby said in its latest project update.
Dredging works are continuing between O’Driscoll’s Bridge and the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Currently the works comprise of the placement of rip-rap (rock armour) along the dredged bank face of the excavation, to protect the newly formed river bank.
These works have been completed in full on the south side of the river, from O’Driscoll’s Bridge to the Waste Water Treatment plant, and works are on-going on the north side of the river.
Rock-breaking works and bulk dredging works have continued downstream of Bandon Weir as far as Bandon Bridge, and attention turned to installed the piles for the footbridge foundations in the past weeks.
The in-river piles are now complete and works on the bridge abutments at Mill Place and McSwiney Quay will begin shortly.
The complete works are set to continue until the autumn of 2018 subject to adequate progress being made during the critical instream working periods.
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