Burton Flood Defense Improvement Plans on Display

Business & Finance

On 9 July 2017, visitors to Burton’s famous regatta had an opportunity to find out about the planned £17 million improvement works to the town’s flood defenses, the Environment Agency said in its latest release. 

Staff from the agency were at the event to discuss the scheme and also spread awareness about being more flood resilient.

The planned works to the Burton flood defenses will see improvements to the 9km of existing defenses that already protect more than 7,000 homes and businesses in the town, with a further 3,358 properties set to benefit.

The work, due to start in October 2018, with a completion date of March 2020, will enable further transformation of the town center to allow it to become more sustainable, said the agency.

As well as the plans for the new works and how to become more resilient, visitors to the regatta were also able to find out how the Environment Agency’s remote-control survey boats work and what is being done across Staffordshire to protect people and properties from flooding.