Sinnemahoning State Park Dredging Work Finished
The multi-million dollar dredging project at the George B. Stevenson Dam in Sinnemahoning State Park has been completed, reports the park manager Lisa Bainey.
According to Lisa Bainey, the project called for sediment removal/dredging to occur at the northern end of the reservoir and around the boat launch area.
During the works, over 125,000 cubic yards of sediment was removed and spread on reclaimed strip mines in Sproul State Forest.
Now with the dredging completed, the park will renovate the boat launch and mooring areas to enhance boating and fishing opportunities on the George B. Stevenson dam.
Upgrade plans include paving of the parking lot and boat launch pad, installing a courtesy dock, and enhancing the mooring area to make launching easier for mooring patrons.
Bainey also added that because of the wet weather, opening of the boat launch has been postponed for early August.