Eyemouth Dredging Program Wrapped Up

Business & Finance

The Eyemouth Harbor Trust has just announced that the Eyemouth Harbor dredging operations, conducted by Shearwater Dredging Ltd., are successfully completed.

This cleanup scheme, which started on April 3, involved dredging works in the harbor entrance and an area called ‘the canyon’.

“Soundings currently indicate minimum depths of 1.0m below datum in the harbor entrance, however further silting may occur,” the trust said in its latest Notice to Mariners.

Dredging takes place regularly at Eyemouth Harbor and the last such operation was conducted in 2016.

Eyemouth Harbor is part of the Berwickshire and North Northumberland coast European marine site, so all removal of deposits from the seabed requires a marine licence from either the Marine Management Organisation or Marine Scotland.

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