Coastal Resilience and Sand Dunes Workshop in Seabrook

Business & Finance

The Seabrook Beach Village District hosted The Coastal Resilience and Sand Dunes in Seabrook Workshop 1-Dune Health on March 27 at the Seabrook Beach Precinct Building.

After a brief introduction, members of the group walked to the dunes.

While on Hudson Street the discussion revolved around examining the beach grass die off, the many threats to the beach’ dunes and learning about the work the UNH team is doing, Town of Seabrook said in its release.

Upon returning to the building, a discussion was held on where and how to use the beach and dunes.

At the workshop, Julie LaBranch from Rockingham Planning Commission spoke of the importance of sand dunes while Alyson Eberhardt (Coastal Ecosystems Specialist/NH Sea Grant/UNH Cooperative Education) spoke on dune ecology and function.

Gregg Moore, PHD UNH, showed a video made by drones over the entire length of the beach as he spoke about dune health and resilience.

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