Royal HaskoningDHV Receives Accolade for Pulau Tekong Polder

Business & Finance

Royal HaskoningDHV’s Water Team in Singapore has won the DutchCham Winsemius Award in the water category for their work on the Pulau Tekong Polder Development project.

The awards, handed out last week, were organised by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, to recognize sustainability and innovation from both Dutch and Singaporean businesses operating in the region.

Mark van Zanten, Senior Project Manager with the Royal HaskoningDHV team, received the award from the category judge, Mr. Vladan Babovic, Professor at National University of Singapore.

Mark van Zanten said: “We’re proud to be helping build the future of Singapore and this award is recognition of the work we are doing for this innovative project and for the way we work with local companies like Surbana Jurong.”

New polder development first-of-its kind in Singapore

Unlike the traditional method of infilling with sand, this “empoldering” method involves creating a tract of reclaimed land from the sea or a surrounding water body, by constructing a dike and a network of drains, water pumping systems and canals.

It will substantially reduce the amount of sand needed for land reclamation, and reap savings on upfront construction costs.

The polder will be protected from the sea by a dike measuring 10 kilometers long, up to 15 meters wide at its crest, and will stand at about 6 meters above sea level.