South Fork Snoqualmie River Meeting Tomorrow

Business & Finance

The King County Flood Control District will host a public meeting in North Bend tomorrow to present a potential strategy for reducing flood risks on the South Fork Snoqualmie River and gather community feedback.

The meeting will take place from 6 to 8:30 p.m., at the Sallal Grange Hall in North Bend.

“I look forward to hearing community input about the Flood District’s draft South Fork Snoqualmie Corridor Plan,” said King County Flood Control District Supervisor Kathy Lambert.

“Getting early input from those most impacted helps ensure the plan will accomplish citizen’s flood control goals most effectively.”

Since 2015, when the Flood District hosted a similar public meeting and gained valuable input, additional technical analysis has been completed to identify higher-risk areas and prioritize flood-risk reduction in the corridor.

A draft list of proposed capital investments will be presented at the meeting for public feedback.

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