IADC Annual Report Available
The International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) has just published their “Annual Report”, in which they present an overview of the state of affairs of the IADC and its activities in 2015.
The report highlights various projects that the Association has undertaken for the year.
Highlights of the year include IADC’s 50th seminar in cooperation with UNESCO-IHE; a second dredging seminar organised successfully in Bogor, Indonesia in cooperation with IPC Corporate University; the continued work on the study of ecosystem services and their application on dredging projects; and IADC’s successful 50th anniversary celebration during IADC’s AGM at Shangri-La Island in Hong Kong.
The anniversary celebration included a special one-day conference with a panel of experts discussing relevant topics regarding dredging and maritime infrastructure projects.
The amount of activities placed some pressure on the organisation, but with the support of the members IADC experienced a very successful year.