Webinar on Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge in September

Business & Finance

A Central Dredging Association’s (CEDA) Dredging Technology Webinar, under the name ‘The working principle of the Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge’, is scheduled forĀ 14 September, 2016, from 14:00-15:00 hrs (CEST).

This webinar is the 2nd in the CEDA Series of Webinars on Dredging Technology.

The presenter, Prof. Dr. Ir. Cees van Rhee, is full Professor of Dredging Engineering at the Delft university of Technology. He obtained his PhD degree in 2002.

His main scientific achievements are modelling of highly concentrated sediment water flows and high velocity erosion of granular sediments.

After a brief introduction to the trailing suction hopper dredge (TSHD), participants will learn about the:

  • general layout;
  • working principle;
  • operational limits of this type of dredge.

This Foundation level webinar is meant for professionals working in the field of dredging or adjacent to it with no formal education/training in and /or with limited experience with dredging equipment and technology: engineers, scientists, lawyers, financiers working on projects involving dredging either as project owner/developer, regulator, consultant, financier, legal advisor.