Mississippi River Dredging Foam Not Harmful

Business & Finance

Dredging activities in the Mississippi River near, Wabasha, Minnesota, are creating foam near the Crats Island unloading site.

This naturally occurring foam, sometimes in the form of thin white lines or grey-brown floating clumps, is created by mixing of plant materials and the water during the dredging process.

The foam can develop on windy and wavy days, too. The foam is not known to be harmful to people, pets or the ecosystem. It will eventually break down and disappear.

The Crats Island dredging project involves removing 900,000 cubic yards of dredged material from the temporary placement site.

Dredging is being performed by the Corps’ contractor, JF Brennan Marine, from La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Work on the project is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2017.

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