Irishtown Bend Stabilization About to Begin

Business & Finance

The Port of Cleveland and Ohio City Inc. (OCI) are preparing to launch a process to engage engineering and landscape design professionals in connection with efforts to stabilize Irishtown Bend.

Irishtown Bend is a critical bank along the Cuyahoga River that threatens to collapse into the navigation channel if not stabilized.

The launch of the planning effort comes on the heels of the Cleveland Metroparks securing nearly $8 million in federal TIGER grant funds dedicating to advancing local trails. One of those trails will be integrated into the Irishtown Bend stabilization project.

The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) recently awarded an $80,000 planning grant that will be matched by $10,000 each from the Port and OCI for a total of $100,000 to pay for the planning and design work.

The Port also has secured $2.5 million from the State of Ohio capital budget, which will go toward construction of the Irishtown Bend project once final plans are in place.