USACE Requests Comments on Cedar Lake Study

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, has released for public review and comment the Cedar Lake Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study, Cedar Lake, Ind., Draft Feasibility Report and Integrated Environmental Assessment. 

The draft feasibility report, completed in collaboration with the nonfederal sponsor, the Town of Cedar Lake, describes an ecosystem restoration project that could be implemented within the 781-acre glacially formed Cedar Lake as well as along Founders Creek, a tributary to Cedar Lake.

This report addresses the need to restore an ecosystem historically degraded by surrounding watershed practices and activities.

Features of the proposed project, the locally-preferred plan, described in the draft report include restoration of approximately 35 acres of emergent and 95 acres of submergent aquatic plants within the littoral (near-shore) zone, reestablishment of a native fish community, rerouting of Founders Creek to its historic connection with Cedar Lake.

The scheme will also include physical substrate restoration through removal of 263,000-cubic yards of sediment, chemical substrate restoration through alum dosage over 400-acres of lake bottom, and implementation of institutional controls.

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