North East Local Flood Risk Management Plan on Display

Business & Finance

A plan setting out which local communities are most at risk from flooding and what is to be done to reduce that risk was published yesterday, according to the Aberdeenshire Council.

The North East Local Flood Risk Management Plan (LFRMP) has been produced under the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009, which provides a strategic framework for considering appropriate mechanisms to manage flood risk across Scotland.

Covering the period from 2016-22, it addresses Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) in Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City, parts of Moray and the Cairngorms National Park area.

A range of measures to reduce risk have now been set out for 23 PVAs across the North East Local Plan District.

The LFRMP presents a summary of the objectives and measures to manage flood risk and details how they will be implemented, as well as timescales for delivery, funding arrangements and details of partnership working to deliver them.

Aberdeenshire Council, as Lead Local Authority for the North East District, has developed the LFRMP in conjunction with neighbouring authorities to cover that six year period.

This has involved partnership working and collaboration with Aberdeen City Council, The Moray Council, SEPA, Cairngorms National Park Authority and Scottish Water.