CSD Vessel Directory at Miami WODCON

Business & Finance

The Western Dredging Association will host the 21st World Dredging Congress & Exposition, the WODCON XXI, at the Hyatt Regency Miami this week (June 13-17, 2016).

The conference will showcase around 120 technical papers over three days covering all aspects of dredging and maritime construction.

This congress will also feature dredging short courses, a technical exhibition and technical visits.

These technical program elements will ensure a complete learning process, while various social events will allow participants to meet fellow professionals from all over the world.

The CSD Vessel Directory

For the first time in the United States, the Cutter Suction Dredger Vessel Directory – a unique tool that will provide the industry with a compact useful overview of operating cutter suction dredgers – will be presented and distributed at the event.

The CSD Vessel Directory, produced by the Dutch media company Navingo BV, will provide world-wide dredging companies with a full year visibility of their vessels, products and services to the international dredging industry.

This high quality printed reference guide includes photographs, technical specifications, owners and builders of operating CSD vessels.

Contact details of the owners, builders and suppliers can also be found in a separate section.

Besides an A-Z vessel overview, the Directory also contains company profiles sorted alphabetically and indexed by sector, as well as projections provided by national dredging organizations in selected countries.

The digital versions are also available via vessels.dredgingtoday.com and ISSUU.